Monday, July 7, 2014

My Holiday Weekend

I hope everyone had a great 4th. Personally I enjoyed myself. I did what I love to do! I worked. It was great working in the emergency room over the holiday weekend. I promise there is nothing like it! Of course I expected to see many firework injuries, and as grim as it may sound I was excited to see what was going to come in. I think that all people in the medical field don't really want people to get hurt, but we feed off of the adrenaline and the opportunity to help someone get better. Clearly that's the entire reason you decide to go into this line of work.

One injury in particular I found really interesting. Some one was brought into the emergency room with an injury to the hand. I wasn't sure how bad it would be, but after all of the minor injuries we had come in I wasn't expecting much. Boy was I wrong. The patients had had been completely blown off. The only thing left was broken bone and a lot of blood, tissue, and tendons. It was so bad that the doctor decided to not really focus on the hand since it couldn't be saved. Instead we were to focus on the other injuries.

Being a health care worker sometimes it is easy to get caught up in the science and excitement of the injury and you loose the patient. In some situations its okay to loose the patient because it allows you to not get too involved or too personal. I began to think about how this patients life will change drastically when they wake up in recovery from their surgery.

Its amazing how this person was trying to put on a show for others and one simple mistake will change his life forever.

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